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The Team

Who We Are

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Samantha Davis


Meet Samantha Davis, a seasoned professional with a passion for helping others. With vast experience in complex mental health conditions like Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Bipolar Affective Disorder, she excels in working with both adults and children. Samantha's expertise extends to Autistic Spectrum Conditions and ADHD.


Armed with degrees in Health and Social Care, Psychology and Criminology, and a Master's in Investigative Psychology, Samantha is a registered member of the British Psychological Society. Her dedication to her doctoral research in Clinical and Forensic Psychology enhances her ability to offer diverse interventions.


As a skilled expert witness, Samantha has represented clients in Child Tribunal and Criminal Crown Court cases. She collaborates closely with various mental health organisations, including social services, probation, substance misuse teams, schools, and children centres.

Samantha Richardson

               Child Development
           Sensory Integration Specialist

Meet Samantha Richardson, a pivotal member of our team with a robust background in child development and psychology. Samantha’s career began in early years developmental needs, where her insightful strategies supported children along their developmental journey, addressing both typical and atypical child development. Her passion for child development is matched by a deep understanding of the field, underpinned by a degree in psychology.


Samantha’s expertise was further honed through her work in an NHS organisation specialising in mental health and wellbeing. There, she immersed herself in psychological assessment, screening, and intervention, gaining invaluable experience that she brings to our team. Her commitment to research is evident from her involvement in critical studies addressing re-victimisation within Domestic Violence cohorts, Stereotyping, and discrimination in the LGBTQ+ community, and Gender discrimination. These research endeavors reflect Samantha's dedication to social justice and her analytical prowess in tackling complex social issues.


Her affiliation with the British Psychological Society is a testament to her professional standing and dedication to ongoing learning and ethical practice.

Samantha’s pursuit of excellence in mental health support is further marked by her specialised training. She has expanded her skillset with courses in Sensory Integration, interventions for Autistic Spectrum Disorders and ADHD, and Narrative Therapy, ensuring a well-rounded approach to care.


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David Davis


Meet David Davis, a seasoned mental health professional dedicated to making a difference. With a rich background in mental health services, David is well-versed in a variety of interventions, including CBT, Motivational Interviewing, and Clinical Hypnosis.


Specialising in trauma and complex mental health conditions, David's expertise extends to working within multi-disciplinary teams alongside probation and social services. As a qualified SMART recovery group facilitator, he empowers individuals on their journey to recovery.


Formally qualified in counselling, advice and guidance, health and social care, and clinical hypnosis, David is an accredited member of the Association of accredited counsellors, coaches, psychotherapists, and hypnotherapists.

Image by Lampos Aritonang

"Your seat signifies a moment of self-care, where you prioritise your mental and emotional health." Samantha Richardson (Sensory Integration Specialist ) 

"In this therapeutic seat, you have the freedom to express yourself without judgment or expectation." 
Samantha Davis 

"Your seat in therapy is the doorway to self-awareness and the key to unlocking your full potential." David Davis (Therapist)

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